Leadership and Team Working, University 1st and 2nd Year (Level 4 and 5)
Available Options
Leadership and Team Working (Level 4)
- University 1st Year (Level 4) Full Course Materials and Exams
Access to full course materials, exams, tutor support and payment plan.
Leadership and Team Working (Level 4&5)
- Two courses
- University 1st Year (Level 4) Full Course Materials and Exams
- University 2nd Year (Level 5) Full Course Materials and Exams
Access to full course materials, exams, tutor support and payment plan.
Leadership and Team Working (Level 5)
- University 2nd Year (Level 5) Full Course Materials and Exams
Access to full course materials, exams, tutor support and payment plan.
About the course
The Undergraduate Level 4 (Leadership and Team Working) and Level 5 (Extended Diploma in Management) are a 240 credit course designed to fast track students to the final year of an associated Undergraduate degree in Leadership and management, which can either be completed at a UK university on campus or via distance learning.
The Level 4 modules and assignments of this course are equivalent to the first year of a University Degree and the Level 5 modules and assignments are equivalent to the second year of a University Degree.
This course is made up of 10 Level 4 modules (120 credits) and 10 level 5 modules (120 credits), each level also includes 10 written assignments. If a student decides to only study at Level 4 they will receive 120 credits and can apply for an exemption from the first year of a university Degree course.
Each module consists of approximately 40 guided learning hours of material with an additional 30-50 hours of optional learning material. These materials comprise recommended exercises, recommended readings and internet resources.
Course Modules
- Managing people in organisations
- Culture and the organisation
- Developing personal skills
- Effective communication
- Strategic human resource management
- Performance management
- Motivating and influencing people
- Practical accounting analysis

Course Summary
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
Level: 4 & 5
Credit: 240
Duration: Flexible
Study Method: Online
You can progress to the following Universities
- University of Portsmouth
- Edinburgh Napier University
- University of Worcester
- Southampton Solent University
- University of Derby
- Charles Bekeev International University (CBIU)
Full Course Details
- Level 4 Modules
- Level 5 Modules
- Entry Requirements
- Fees & Funding
- Assignments
- Progression
Managing people in organisations
Effective management of people within an organisation is essential if the objectives of the organisation are to be achieved. People represent the single most important resource of the organisation and their needs must be understood and respected.
Culture and the organisation
What is culture? What do you associate with culture? Perhaps art and music, perhaps values and beliefs, language and communication, behaviour – in fact, culture is a collection of all of these things. Terpstra and David (1991) define culture as ‘a learned, shared, interrelated set of symbols which unite and identify members of a society’.
Developing personal skills
The manager working in a modern organisation needs a wide range of skills. The manager needs to be able to work with people. This may involve a very wide range of skills in communication, leadership, encouraging teamwork, listening, and so on.
Effective communication
During a typical day a manager is likely to encourage team members, tell them about a change in their future work or conditions, take part in a formal meeting, have an informal conversation at the water cooler or coffee machine, study a strategy planned by senior management, send e-mails to customers or suppliers, and search the Web.
Managing ethically
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to decide on what we mean by ‘the right action’. For example, think of the company that produces excessive amounts of waste in its factory. Closing the factory will harm the employees and shareholders, and will reduce the amount of money available in the local community. Keeping it open without reducing waste will damage the environment for local people and for future generations.
Performance management
The people in an organisation determine whether the organisation is successful or not. Think for a moment about any organisation – in doing this you will also be thinking about people. Every organisation has people within it, and the success of the organisation is largely due to those people.
Strategic human resource management
Human Resource Management is the management of a key resource in the organisation – people. Without people there is a limit to what the organisation can achieve. The machines cannot operate without people to work them (even if they are automatic machines there needs to be a person who programmes them). The raw materials need to be turned into something that can be sold: this requires people. The computers need people to operate them.
High performance teams
In a world of change, uncertainty and complexity, high performance in an organisation requires a blend of diverse skills and experiences. Organisations recognise that this blend is best achieved through team working.
Leadership skills
Good leadership is essential for success in any organisation, whether private or public sector. Today, rapid change, in the form of a constantly changing competitive environment, innovations in technology and changing economic conditions, have led to the realisation that leadership is a skill to be developed.
Motivating and influencing people
Think about two teams carrying out the same activity. Their manager may ask how a series of tasks will be completed to create a product or service. The manager can plan how the work will be done, make sure that the teams have all the right materials, explain everyone’s tasks and deadlines, and measure progress once they get started. However, the two teams will almost certainly not work at the same speed, not create output of the same quality, nor show the same attitude to their work.
The entrepreneurial manager
What is an Entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.
Organisation structures
Why are organisations structured in the way they are? What determines the optimum structure and how does it differ between organisations? In this module, learners will look at the numerous models and theories that make up organisational structure.
Practical accounting analysis
Learners will complete exercises in accounts throughout this module to understand what they are telling us and the actions that analysis can precipitate.
Business planning and goal setting
What is the business trying to achieve? What will it do? How will it do it? This module focuses on the creation of clear goals and clear plans to achieve a clear objective.
Politics and business
Impact of politics on business and how it may help or hinder business. This module will educate learners on economic impact, exports and government support.
Business law
Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.
Managing in today’s world
Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.
Performance management
Understanding how your people and your business can continually improve together, learners will review reward structures, CPD, training and development to ensure high performance in business.
Marketing and sales planning
Learners will analyse how markets, customers, competitors and products can come together in a cohesive plan.
Quantitative skills
On successful completion of this module, learners will have knowledge of numeric exercises and will understand their use within the context of the business.
To enrol onto the Level 4 course, you must be at least 18 and have a full secondary education. Before enrolling on to the Level 5 course, you must complete the Level 4 or equivalent.
Learners must also have an appropriate standard of English to enable them to access relevant resources and complete the course modules and assignments.
Is the online payment taken immediately?
Yes. Once NLC has received the cleared funds your course material will be released to you immediately.
Is there any financial assistance available?
NLC offers instalment payment plan (see our Online Study Policy) so that you can pay for your course over a set number of months. Contact us for more information about this.
UK students may also be eligible for student loans for the university top-up programme. Learners should make enquiries direct to their chosen university.
Are there likely to be any additional costs?
This will depend on your chosen course and any extra or additional learning resources that may be needed. This will be explained before you commit yourself to the course.
What payment options are available?
Payment can be made online through bank transfer or through any of our international banks.
How much do assessments cost?
Assessments are included with the course purchases.
The undergraduate Level 4 (Sales and Marketing) has 10 modules and 10 written assignments and the Level 5 (Extended Diploma in Management) has 10 modules and 8 assignments. On completion of the modules, students will be given access to the assignments. The assignments are approximately 5,000-8,000 words each. Students are provided support on the modules and assignments via the ‘Tutor’ section of the learning platform.
The assignment unit titles for the level 4 course are:
- Business environment
- Customer service
- Customers and their needs
- E-marketing communications
- Information technology in business
- Managing marketing
- Marketing and sales function
- Marketing mix
- Marketing strategy
- Selling
The assignment unit titles for the level 5 course are:
- Managing communications
- Business organisations in a global context
- People management
- Finance for managers
- Research project
- Marketing principles and practice
- Planning a new business venture
- Business law
If you decide to top up to a full Undergraduate Degree through an accredited UK university, the costs are listed below. Please note, the below costs are for distance learning/online only. You have the option of finishing on campus; costs will vary depending on which university you chose to complete the final year at.
Northampton University
BA (Hons) in Business and Management Top up
BSc (Hons) in International Accounting Top up
University of Derby
University of Worcester
BA (Hons) Business Administration Final Year Top up
University of Sunderland – On Campus
BA (Hons) Business and Management (Year 3 )
Coventry University
BA (Hons) Top-up – progression from ATHE Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management
University of Bolton
BA (Hons) Top-up, duration 2 semesters
Anglia Ruskin University
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Final Year)
BA (Hons) Management (Top-Up)
Edinburgh Napier University
BA in Business Management (Top-up and Enterprise (Top-Up)
BA in Sales Management (Top-Up)
Buckinghamshire New University
BA (Hons) Top-up, fee
Southern Cross University
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business in Convention and Event Management
Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management
Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Please enquire for top up prices for Southern Cross University
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Undergraduate Top up to BA
NOTE: UK/EU students may be eligible for student loans for the top-up portion of their studies. Visit www.slc.co.uk for more information.
Charles Bekeev International University (CBIU)
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Top up available.
Please enquire for top up prices for Charles Bekeev International University (CBIU)